Mu the Motherland Podcast

Nan Madol: Lost City, Ancient Weather Control, of Mu and Lemuria

Mu the Motherland

Nan Madol, an ancient city of basalt structures in Micronesia, is explored as more than just a historical site.

The text considers the possibility that Nan Madol could have been an advanced weather control station.

It explores the theories of lost civilizations like Mu and Lemuria, suggesting they possessed advanced knowledge of energy manipulation.

Evidence of magnetic anomalies and ley line alignments around Nan Madol supports this alternative interpretation.

The text then considers the possible causes of Nan Madol's decline and loss of weather control, including natural disasters or energy grid disruptions.

Ultimately, it questions whether rediscovering Nan Madol's secrets could provide solutions for modern climate challenges.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome, everyone. Ready to dive into something. Pretty amazing.

Speaker 2 (00:03):
Always ready for a deep dive. What have we got today?

Speaker 1 (00:05):
Today it's Nan MedU, the Venice of the Pacific.

Speaker 2 (00:08):
Ah, yeah. Over a hundred islands. All artificial, right? Built with these massive basalt columns.

Speaker 1 (00:14):
Exactly. All connected by canals. And it's off the coast of Pond Pei in Micronesia. This was the heart of the solder dynasty for centuries.

Speaker 2 (00:22):
Powerful dynasty ruled for a long time,

Speaker 1 (00:25):
But the thing is, how did they build it and why there in such remote spot? It's a puzzle.

Speaker 2 (00:32):
It's a marvel of engineering, that's for sure. Think about it, 750,000 tons of basalt.

Speaker 1 (00:38):
Oh wow.

Speaker 2 (00:39):
Some stones weighing over 50 tons each. And get this, they were quarried from sites. Miles away.

Speaker 1 (00:45):
Miles away. So how do they move those things? I can barely move a sofa.

Speaker 2 (00:48):
Right. Even with today's tech, it'd be a challenge.

Speaker 1 (00:50):
Yeah, absolutely. And speaking of challenges, there are those local legends saying they floated the stones through the air. That sounds a little out there. It

Speaker 2 (00:58):
Does, doesn't it? Captures the imagination.

Speaker 1 (01:00):
Yeah. So was there some super advanced technology at work or was that pure myth?

Speaker 2 (01:05):
While the idea of floating stones is fun to think about, it's more likely they use really ingenious techniques. Things we haven't figured out yet, but still the sheer scale, the precision. It's hard to explain conventionally.

Speaker 1 (01:19):
It really makes you wonder how much they knew

Speaker 2 (01:21):
It does.

Speaker 1 (01:22):
And this is where things get really interesting because some people connect namal to those lost civilizations, Moo and Lemuria.

Speaker 2 (01:31):

Speaker 1 (01:32):
I think we need a quick recap for those who aren't familiar with these.

Speaker 2 (01:34):
Sure. So Moo is often thought of as this super advanced civilization in the Pacific influencing cultures globally and then poof gone thousands of years ago. Some say Vidal could be a piece of moo that survived.

Speaker 1 (01:47):

Speaker 2 (01:48):
Lemuria is a bit different. It's more about spirituality and psychic powers mastering earth's energies.

Speaker 1 (01:54):
Okay. Two very different vibes. But is there actual proof linking Vidal to either Moo or Lemuria or is this all speculation?

Speaker 2 (02:02):
It's mostly speculation. Intriguing speculation, but speculation nonetheless. There's no direct archeological link to these civilizations.

Speaker 1 (02:09):
Fair enough. So sticking to the facts then, we know Namal was the heart of the SOR dynasty ruling from around 1100 to 1628 ce.

Speaker 2 (02:19):
That's right.

Speaker 1 (02:19):
Tell us about them. Why choose such a tough spot for their capital?

Speaker 2 (02:22):
Well, the SORs were a powerful dynasty, a theocratic society. Their rulers considered divine

Speaker 1 (02:29):
God king's. Nice

Speaker 2 (02:30):
Nan Al was their political and religious center. The location, so remote might've been strategic, natural defenses, maybe even adding to their mystique and authority,

Speaker 1 (02:42):
A secluded island fortress ruled by God kings. I can see the appeal,

Speaker 2 (02:45):

Speaker 1 (02:46):
But some people take it even further saying Vidal wasn't just a city but a weather control station built by, you guessed it, an advanced civilization. Now that's wild. What's the thinking there?

Speaker 2 (02:57):
Well, there are some interesting observations. Fueling theory for one, studies have shown unusual electromagnetic disturbances around Nan modal. Locals talk about compasses going haywire, electronics malfunctioning near certain structures

Speaker 1 (03:08):
Like magnetic anomalies. We hear about those at other ancient sites. The pyramids for example. Is that something significant or could there be a simpler explanation?

Speaker 2 (03:18):
It's definitely something to consider. While some anomalies might be natural, the consistency across ancient sites is interesting. It suggests a link to their design or the materials used. It's a bit like the concept of lay lines.

Speaker 1 (03:30):
Lay lines. Okay.

Speaker 2 (03:31):

Speaker 1 (03:31):
I've heard the term, but honestly what does it mean?

Speaker 2 (03:34):
Lay lines are these channels of energy crisscrossing the earth. They're said to connect important locations including ancient monuments. Think of it like a network of invisible pathways for energy to flow.

Speaker 1 (03:47):
Okay, I'm starting to get it.

Speaker 2 (03:48):
Some believe that ancient builders deliberately placed their structures along these lay lines harnessing their power.

Speaker 1 (03:55):
So you're saying Nan Midal might've been built on a power spot aligned with lay lines on purpose.

Speaker 2 (04:02):
It's a key part of the theory.

Speaker 1 (04:04):
And what kind of power are we talking about here?

Speaker 2 (04:05):
Well, it's not scientifically proven, but lay lines are thought to channel geomagnetic energy, something ancient civilizations might've understood and used in ways we've forgotten.

Speaker 1 (04:15):
And some believe that energy could have been used for controlling weather. That's hard to imagine.

Speaker 2 (04:21):
It is. The idea is that Nan Al's basalt structures position, just so on lay lines, acted like giant energy capacitors, amplifying, manipulating earth's natural forces to influence weather patterns.

Speaker 1 (04:34):
Bold claim

Speaker 2 (04:35):
Very bold.

Speaker 1 (04:36):
But we also have those local legends about summoning storms and controlling lightning. Do those hold any weight or are they just stories?

Speaker 2 (04:43):
Well, legends aren't literal facts. They often reflect beliefs or practices from the past. These stories about the subtler rulers controlling the elements suggests they had a deep understanding of natural forces. Maybe not full-blown weather control, but still

Speaker 1 (04:57):
Interesting. I mean, even today we try to influence weather with things like harp,

Speaker 2 (05:01):
Right? The high frequency act of rural research program.

Speaker 1 (05:04):
That's the one it studies the ionosphere, right? And its potential for messing with weather patterns.

Speaker 2 (05:09):
Well, harp's main focus is understanding the ionosphere, not controlling it,

Speaker 1 (05:14):
But the idea is out there.

Speaker 2 (05:15):
Oh, absolutely. The idea of influencing the ionosphere to affect weather is a hot topic. Much like the theories about Al. Maybe there are parallels in how ancient civilizations approach similar things

Speaker 1 (05:28):
Makes you wonder if we're rediscovering things they already knew. But if Namal was this powerful weather hub, what happened? Why is it in ruins?

Speaker 2 (05:36):
That's the million dollar question and one will keep exploring. There are a few theories out there. Some say Namal fell victim to the same forces that supposedly took down Moo and Laia, massive floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, the Pacific's, no stranger to those.

Speaker 1 (05:52):
And looking at the architecture itself, as impressive as it is, it does seem built for resilience like they were rebuilding from past disasters. A cycle of destruction and rebuilding.

Speaker 2 (06:01):
It's possible. Another theory is a massive solar event or a shift in Earth's magnetic field. If their society depended on a very specific energy balance, that kind of disruption would be devastating. Imagine their technology just stops working.

Speaker 1 (06:15):
Wow. A civilization that advanced brought down by forces they couldn't control. It makes you think about what knowledge we might've lost.

Speaker 2 (06:23):
It does.

Speaker 1 (06:24):
And even today, scientists keep finding weird electromagnetic and geological things happening around. It's like the place is still full of secrets.

Speaker 2 (06:33):
It is. And we'll keep digging into those secrets as we continue our deep dive.

Speaker 1 (06:38):
So many key secrets. And it really makes you wonder what could be hidden in those ruins. Imagine if we could just unlock them the possibilities.

Speaker 2 (06:46):
It's like a real life Indiana Jones adventure, right? Lost tech, hidden knowledge. Could we even replicate it today? What about harnessing lay lines working with earth's energy like they supposedly did?

Speaker 1 (06:56):
It's exciting to think about, no doubt. But we do need a healthy dose of skepticism too. It's easy to get caught up in romanticizing these lost civilizations, but we're working with limited evidence here. A lot of speculation.

Speaker 2 (07:08):
True. But even without the morph, fantastical stuff, Namal still teaches us something and makes us rethink what ancient civilizations could do. Absolutely. We tend to think of progress as the straight line always moving forward. But what if it's more cyclical? Advancements declines, things were only starting to grasp. What if civilizations like Moodle and Lemuria often dismissed as myths actually achieved incredible technological feats. Things were just beginning to understand.

Speaker 1 (07:38):
It's mind blowing to think about we have this puzzle, but with missing pieces, our understanding of the past is more complex than we

Speaker 2 (07:45):
Thought. That's it. Exactly. And maybe places like Neal can help us fill in those gaps, understand our own potential better. If they could achieve so much with what they had. What can we do with our knowledge and technology?

Speaker 1 (07:57):
It's humbling, but inspiring too. But it also makes you wonder if they were so advanced, what went wrong? Why the decline? Was it just natural disasters or was it something else? Maybe there are lessons for us there.

Speaker 2 (08:07):
That's the key question. And one we might get closer to answering as we keep going with our deep dive into Nan Modal. So with all these mysteries, these possibilities, what can we say for sure about this place?

Speaker 1 (08:18):
Yeah, that's the question, isn't it? What can we say for sure after all this, the massive stones, the lost civilizations, even weather control. What's the bottom line on Namal?

Speaker 2 (08:28):
Well, I think at its heart, Namal shows us what humans are capable of. Ingenuity, adaptability. It tells us that even with limited resources, even in a tough environment, people can achieve incredible things. The scale, the precision, it's remarkable. Even by today's standards,

Speaker 1 (08:45):
Those basal structures are amazing, no doubt. And then you think about the Sadler dynasty, their culture, beliefs. That's a whole other dimension to the story. It wasn't just buildings, was it? This was a place of power, rituals, a reflection of how they saw the world.

Speaker 2 (08:59):
Exactly. We can't forget that Nan Modal wasn't just an engineering feat, it was a living city. People lived there, worshiped, ruled for centuries. And even though we don't know exactly why it declined studying, it can teach us a lot about the rise and fall of civilizations, about the balance between humans and nature, about how belief systems shape us.

Speaker 1 (09:18):
We talked about natural disasters, solar events, even the possibility that their whole energy system just collapsed. It's fascinating, but also kind of scary. It makes you think about our own civilization, our own vulnerabilities.

Speaker 2 (09:31):
It does. Al is a good reminder that even the most advanced societies aren't invincible. Nature has power and our own actions have consequences. It makes us think about our relationship with the environment, sustainability, the choices we make,

Speaker 1 (09:46):
But it also shows you the strength of the human spirit. Even with those challenges, they created something truly remarkable, something that still inspires us today.

Speaker 2 (09:54):
And maybe that's the biggest takeaway from our dive into Nanit all. It makes us curious. Challenges our assumptions, invites us to explore the past and think about the future.

Speaker 1 (10:03):
The more we learn, the more questions we have. But that's the exciting part, right? It's not always about the answers, it's about the journey. Who knows what we'll discover about Nan modal in the future? Maybe one day we'll really understand its secrets. Its builders. Its true purpose. But until then, the mystery keeps us coming back.

Speaker 2 (10:22):
It does. And for anyone listening who's intrigued by Nan Modal, I encourage you to dig deeper, explore the theories, look at the evidence, maybe even visit yourself. You might be surprised what you find.

Speaker 1 (10:33):
Great advice. Nan Modal reminds us how much we still don't know about our planet, about history. And that's pretty amazing. Thanks for joining us on this deep dive. And until next time, keep exploring.